Author Topic: Effects of clear egress on reducing fire related injuries and deaths  (Read 3679 times)

Offline Liam.dennis

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good Morning.

I work for the city of York council and we have been undertaking some work to increase outside storage in our tenanted flats for items such as buggies/bicycles etc.

One of the aims is to declutter to improves evacuation and egress in the event of a fire.

We are looking to do some analysis of the impact of the project so I was looking for some details/research on the effect of "clutter" as a risk facture for injury and fatality in the event of a fire? perhaps something on how much extra time it takes to exit via a cluttered exit and how X additional minuets of being in a fire increase the risk of harm by Y%?

Does anyone have any research they could share that might be applicable in this case?



Offline lyledunn

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I would say that there are too many variables in what you seek. Safe to say that keeping escape routes free from impediment is crucial. That would be justification enough for the obvious improvements that the Council has made.