FIRE SAFETY > Portable Firefighting Equipment

RIP Graham Ellicott


colin todd:
For those who have not already heard via other means, I am very sad to report the death of Graham Ellicott last Thursday.  Many of you would probably know Graham, some of you extremely well, from his time as Chief Executive of the ASFP and subsequently Chief Executive of the FIA.  Graham dedicated a large part of his professional career to the field of fire and worked extremely hard to further the interest of member companies of the two trade associations.

As many of you will know, he was a good, kind man of great integrity and superb intelligence.  I counted him as a personal friend and remained in contact with him after his departure from the world of fire back to his earlier field of acoustics. 

If anyone wants to know the funeral details, please send me an email at (as I currently do not monitor Firenet every day) and I will be pleased to pass on the information.


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