FireNet Community

THE REGULATORY REFORM (FIRE SAFETY) ORDER 2005 => Q & A => Topic started by: Collegeboy on February 11, 2021, 04:12:38 PM

Title: Locks on Nursery doors
Post by: Collegeboy on February 11, 2021, 04:12:38 PM
Hello Guys
could I have your opinions regarding Locks on Nursery doors ???
Imagine a nursery with a dozen 3-5 yr olds, the final doors lead to relative/ultimate safety BUT the doors need to be secured during non fire for security of kids not being able to slip out :P would you think a sliding bolt higher than the kids can reach, or a hook and eye only able to be released by adult? is there any guidance on this?
Title: Re: Locks on Nursery doors
Post by: Fire Monkey on February 26, 2021, 10:50:42 AM

Ah 'a classic! I would just have a high level thumb turn that the kids can't reach. But don't forget any wheel chairs users - it may also need to meet Approved Doc M.