USAR > Training

BS7273-4 and acoustically actuated devices

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Tom W:
Its no secret I work for Fireco, the manufacturer of a variety of products.

We are able to offer training on BS7273-4 that carries CPD points.

Its a free course and has gone down very well.

Explaining about the standard and how our innovative products fit into this standard.

If any of you would like to sit this course please feel free to get in touch.

colin todd:
Thomas, I might send my wee boy if you promise to look after him well and return him without brainwashing.

When is it?

Always interested in learning, might bring some friends.  Can I have some details please.

Tom W:
Currently there is no date.

We have delivered this to a variety of F&RS and CC I thought it would be worthwhile to offer the same course to you guys.

If you have people that are interested please email me with your location and number of delegates.

Colin I promise no brainwashing. We have been commended before for it being a good frank discussion and debate.

colin todd:
Thomas, could you send details through to keith please.


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