Reform of Fire Safety Law

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wee brian:
If your interested the, unconfimed transcript of evidence taken by the Regulatory Reform Scrutiny Committee is on the web at

when the page comes up click on uncorrected evidence...

I thought Glyn Evans did well.

colin todd:
Is that or is it not yet more daft twaddle from the ODPM-the draft order I mean. From the people who broght you the crap workplace regs we are pleased to announce the son of crap workplace regs, the even more crap rro. what a let down. best thing that can happen is that the govt falls b4 it all happens

That's the problem with you CT, always beating about the bush.
For heavens sake, why don't you just get off the fence and say what you think for once!!!

Colin, what problems do you have with the RRO- if you did why didn't you contact the committee? Oh well too late.

I would think most people's worries are that if it happens in a similar way to the FP (W) Regs then half the workplaces won't have heard of it, half that do won't bother to comply, the other half will produce a paragraph or table row in the middle of an H&S risk assessment, others will wave fire procedures and extinguisher service certs in your face as RA's and the every 10 years FPO visit to wander up & down a stair and out again will become an every 20 years sticking their head around the door (don't start me on Mr Todds favourite brigade either who've come up with some classics recently).

This may seem rather cynical, but is based on experience. Normally the private sector get a rosy picture because by the fact they are private means they will only see the premises that wish to comply well .As we are sent into multi occupied properties whether the tenants would want us there or not we see a truer picture


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