FireNet Community
FIRE SERVICE AND GENERAL FIRE SAFETY TOPICS => Fire Safety => Topic started by: wee brian on February 04, 2008, 04:06:29 PM
Hey guys - if your interested in flats and hmos etc then you may want to take a look at this con-doc that has slipped under the wire.
I think the link is dead
The linked worked for me. Thanks wee B - its certainly an interesting document, for the first time bringing together all the stands of the legislation and appears to be fairly easy to read. Pity it was not produced a few years ago before most local authorities went their own way producing their own range of documents.
Be interesting to see if it still offers the no brainer option of window exits or protected route for the low rise hmos. Not got that far yet.
It isnt working for me now!!!
Try this
They think its not working, it is now!!
Wee Brian,
This wasn't meant to slip under the wire. It was sent to all Local Authorities and FRS. I hope all interested parties are scripting their responses as we speak! Well.. after they'd had some breakfast.
The document is jointly sponsored by LACORS, CIEH and CFOA to pull together all the existing regional guides on HMO's, etc. It has also had considerable help from Landlords' Representatives so should hopefully, post consultation, provide guidance and benchmarks (love these words), for applying both the Housing Act and the Fire Safety Order.
It may come as a suprise to hear that LAs and FRAs aren't the only people with an opinion on these issues.
I'm not bitter and twisted about it but it very nearly slipped under my wire.
Fair point. I'll get you put on LACORS mailing list!
Seriously though...all contributions are welcome.
Thanks for the info Wee B. It hasn't appeared in my usual contacts either so, presumably, IOSH Public Services Group and IFPO haven't been part of the process. Looks quite comprehensive at first glance.
I missed it as well and I work for a FRS!
That's cause you were too busy fighting for that corner office in your new HQ!
No offices and some do not have desks. Just good old open plan layout mind you, the air con engineer told someone important that the conference room is now good enough for 250 people, he meant the air con system of course but hey that single door will take some stick.
I know we're going off topic but...
No doubt you will be asking one of your adjacent FRS to peer review your fire risk assessments so that you cannot be accused of being judge and jury in your own premises!!
We used to dream of open desking is the way forward. Don't want expensive auditors sat around drinking coffee all day.
Coffee? you are lucky. We used to dream of coffee. We just have time to take an occasional sip from the sprinkler test valve as we balance the clipboard on our knee.....
Hot desking, that's so yesterday - flask of cocoa and a sleeping bag in the car. That's public sector efficiency!
Sleeping bag? Car? You civil servants have the height of good conditions. We imagine such luxury only in our wildest dreams. Then we turn over pull the dustbin bag across our back and try and take shelter under the park bench.
I thought to do hot desking you had to have a desk somewhere and then when somewhere else use whatever is available. Oh well perhaps they will sit in the basement cafeatonesixnine.
We go to work 1/2 hour be fore we leave the day before, walk 30 miles and pay our masters for the priviledge of working for them. If we do anything wrong e.g. not working with partners, we get thrashed with a carving knife. Our office is a hole in the road (oh how we dream of having a clip board!).
And tell the kids of today and they won't beleive you.