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FIRE SERVICE AND GENERAL FIRE SAFETY TOPICS => Fire Safety => Topic started by: GB on October 11, 2010, 11:05:43 AM

Title: Fire Resistance Periods
Post by: GB on October 11, 2010, 11:05:43 AM
I am looking for reference material which will provide indcative fire resistance periods for items such as 12.5mm plasterboard and 12mm ply sheathing etc.

I appreciate that the entire detail needs to be assessed however I am looking to consider individual components at this stage.

Can anyone suggest any good sources of info.

Many thanks
Title: Re: Fire Resistance Periods
Post by: Tom Sutton on October 11, 2010, 12:26:24 PM
For plasterboard you could try the white book.
Title: Re: Fire Resistance Periods
Post by: Auntie LIn on October 11, 2010, 07:04:18 PM
Be very wary of trying to allocate indicative times to materials - they may only give the indicated time when fixed in a certain way.  For instance, you'll hear people say half an inch (12.7mm) of plasterboard gives half an hour.   Just the plasterboard by itself won't necessarily.
Title: Re: Fire Resistance Periods
Post by: kurnal on October 11, 2010, 07:39:53 PM
Most board manufacturers publish guidance on how their products should be used - as Tom says the British Gypsum white book is an excellent guide to their products.

For older systems and methods you may find the BRE digest "Increasing the fire resistance of existing timber floors" of interest- Digest 208 published in 1977.

The FPA document "Fire protection in old buildings and historic town centres ISBN 0902 167405 is also interesting in giving a little (2 pages) guidance on the relative fire performance of differnet types of construction.

My favourite of all is an old book published by Cape Boards - "The fire protection handbook" - an early forerunner of the white book, they used to publish it in a A5 spiral bound format. It is a brilliant resource.
Title: Re: Fire Resistance Periods
Post by: wee brian on October 12, 2010, 09:13:31 AM
An old edition of ADB. Circa 1985 is handy.
Title: Re: Fire Resistance Periods
Post by: Tom Sutton on October 13, 2010, 02:14:00 PM
You will also find in Schedule 8 - Notional Periods of Fire Resistance in the 1965 Building regulations deals with this subject.

If you are interested try
Title: Re: Fire Resistance Periods
Post by: Fishy on November 04, 2010, 01:31:08 PM
If it's timber constructions you're interested in, then I've always referred to BS 5268-4.2:1990 "Structural use of timber. Fire resistance of timber structures. Recommendations for calculating fire resistance of timber stud walls and joisted floor constructions".  I note on the BSi website that this has been superseded by BS EN 1995-1-2, but I have never used that, so I can't endorse that it does what you need. If on any other construction, you'd need to look at the manufacturer's data (British Gypsum or Knauf, for plasterboard).