Author Topic: The New Guidance Documents  (Read 25724 times)

Offline AnthonyB

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The New Guidance Documents
« Reply #30 on: July 25, 2006, 10:28:57 PM »
So write a perfect world FRA then send it to the brigade but in reality have kept all those chain or key exit locks, poor work practices, defective alarm etc...

You'l only get caught if theres a fire!

Here endeth 30 yrs of good workplace fire safety......

Good precautions should always take priority over bits of paper, sad sign of the times it seems, I know from experience many FRAs are a utopia not matched by the actual premises on inspection, guess it's up to the private sector to do the FRS job for them .....
Anthony Buck
Owner & Fire Safety Consultant at Fire Wizard

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The New Guidance Documents
« Reply #31 on: July 25, 2006, 11:16:18 PM »

It's not about private sector doing the FRS work. It's about a change of emphasis towards the HSE model where the RP has responsibility in ensuring safety and the enforcing authority carry out a few random inspections of managements systems and even fewer actual inspections of buildings.

The frequency of inspections in  buildings in London will range from 6 months to as much as 10 years (or more). High risk Hotels will get a visit 4 yearly!. Top to bottom inspections will go along with providing site specific solutions. Premises within multi occs will rarely be visited as common parts may suffice. Advice will be restricted to how to get help (from the private sector) to complete the FRA.

There will be more prosecutions and after fire inspections (as you put it "you'll only get caught if there's a fire" is not entirely accurate but near enough)

It's crap, but with the fires in domestic dwellings about to tumble due to CFS (yeah right) a few more Hotel jobs will keep the Ops boys and girls busy

Offline AnthonyB

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The New Guidance Documents
« Reply #32 on: July 26, 2006, 10:28:58 PM »
You are correct, it's a shame that it's going over to the punishment only type of advice & enforcement instead of being pro active, the HSE model is full of examples of the failings of this system - punishment is all well & good but it of absolutely no use to the dead, injured or disabled worker whose demise led to the punishment.

And whilst H&S accidents normally involve just one person (there are exceptions), fire usually lead to multiple casualties, plus far greater indirect costs as an accident doesn't normally stop trading, whereas a fire can put everyone on the dole.

My comment on the private sector is related to the fact that I now do more preventative enforcement & advice visits than your average FRS person seems to yet am in the private sector, which seems not as it should be
Anthony Buck
Owner & Fire Safety Consultant at Fire Wizard

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Offline Pip

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The New Guidance Documents
« Reply #33 on: July 27, 2006, 04:15:57 PM »
Well, I can add that my  rural brigade will be looking at the FRA, and doing a sample inspection including escape routes and high risk areas.yes there will be more enforcement ( although some of this is more to do with our legal eagles getting cuter than the change in leg), and more 'after the fire inspections'.Support will be offered but limited-ie no 'can you pop round and look at'.Uniformed inspectors will be retained with a small percentage of non-uniformed (with or without Fire service background) but all trained.High risk Hotels for instance would be visited every 12 months, with the intention of reducing that risk.A 'school' every 3 years, a very low risk one every 15 years.As said, it is up to the RP to conform,not the FA.

Offline Pip

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The New Guidance Documents
« Reply #34 on: July 27, 2006, 04:20:44 PM »
You could also consider-does your planning officer come out and design your new extension?does the Building inspector draw up your requirements for drainage, toilets and lintels?Nope, he points you to the guides or yellow pages.Most Inspecting officers want to help but numbers are being reduced and workload is going up-meaning pressure on time-not able to help maybe as much as would like/used too.