I have come across similar doors in schools they were installed in the 80s around the time intumescent and smoke seals were being first introduced. They will have most likely to have been fitted as half hour fire resisting door but around that time very few authorities were asking for smoke seals as it was not a requirement of Approved Document B or indeed in any BS or Home Office code. Also around that time very few fire resisting doors had any identification.
The doors are probably ok and providing the gaps are as you say 3mm but not more than 4mm they should be ok to upgrade with smoke seals.
Which is what I always recommend. The beauty is that a good joiner can remove the aluminium strips and replace them with some thing like the dual strip. Providing this is done on all door edges, the gaps are sealed, and the closers (floor plates) cause the doors to meet correctly they will be effective.
Hope that helps.