Thanks for every one, for your adds
The case of plant room we have is a huge one split to many parts with fire double doors, the ceiling is about 8 to 10m high, every day engineers have some service to do in generators, lift motors, and other there are a lot…, it has 100s of detectors: opticals, ducts, flames, heat detectors..., to test them without a pole is just some thing very close to impossible.
To be honest, if we apply the standard of (the joist…. 10% from the floor..., 500mm far away in either sides of obstacle ...) in this plant room than we need 1000s of detectors throughout…shall we still have to consider this option regardless of the price?
Also some areas are just blocked off by big ducts, and there is no way to fit detectors on the ceilings without removing first the ducts, which may even cost more… shall we still have to consider this option regardless of the price too?
Thank you