I have recently had my interview and I am waiting to hear if I have been successful. Fingers crossed....
Anyway, I am trying to keep myself fit for the medical (if successful).
I completed the step test twice last night and need help to work out my VO2 max. Can anyone help? My readings were...
On 24cm step - Start 66, L1- 86, L2- 91, L3 - 105, L4- 115, L5- 137. I am 29 so max rate is 154.
I then done the test again 5 mins later and got the following results.
On 39cm step - Start 69, L1- 116, L2- 129, L3- 145 and then I bombed out after 45 secs of L4.
I am aware that you need to do the test on a step of 30cm but is it worth me continuing on the 39cm step in the hope that come the day I will have over trained (If I can keep nerves down)?