There are a number of good examples of fires including flashover on the web, you will need to do a search, google or Youtube is a good place to start.
The complication is that not all can be easily downloaded and used.
Again using the web you can find guidance on how to download video and then convert them for use on a PC or DVD player.
If you use Firefox as your web browser there are free addons available from Firefox that allow you to download video from sites such as Youtube. They then have to be converted for use in Powerpoint, dvd players etc.
The process is not difficult but takes a little time depending on the file sizes.
The plus side is that the addons and converters can all be downloaded free.
like all downloads just make sure your virus protection is upto date
You will probably come across some strange fire videos involving kids igniting human methane (the pleasent description) or doing daft tricks with LPG canisters.
Try different search terms and you will probably find what you want.
Any difficulties come back and I will see what links I may have.