Thanks John for your add, the only thing I could not pick up why mixing 'dB' which is the unit of sound with the % of obscuration which should be the unit of the quantity of smoke ?
Any way thank you for the try!
It is a continental thing and beyond my comprehension.
By the way, to convert from Optical Density (OD) to % obscuration S use the following formula for a given path length:
OD=2- log(base10)(100-S)
OD is more popular in the scientific literature as visibility in smoke can be calculated by
Visibility in metres=1/(Optical Density of smoke per metre)
ie for the often quoted 10m visibility as the point at which people become reluctant to move through the smoke the OD/m=0.1
And by the dB system = 1
It's just possible that the continentals like to use the dB version of Optical Density because this gives them '1' for a smoke density at the limit of movement - well, that's just a theory!
0.5dB/m= 0.05OD/m= 11% obscuration approx
1.0dB/m= 0.1 OD/m = 21% obscuration
2.0dB/m= 0.2 OD/m = 37% ..
(Just to give you a comparison in the post above regarding the grading of the detectors.)