Doesn't fully resolve it - you need a specialist technical document in addition (see below NOTE 1).
By the way, having seen the summaries for the Technical Document mentioned below, if you are in any way seriously involved in fire safety in cinemas & theatres, etc a copy (hard copy only even in this day & age!) looks essential
"10.3.4 Non-residential premises used for recreation
This class includes such premises as theatres, cinemas, concert halls, exhibition halls, sports halls, public houses and restaurants.
The people using such premises can be expected to be unfamiliar with the layout. Also it may be desirable to reoccupy the premises once the normal lighting has been restored, or to delay evacuation after the initial failure of the normal supply, should this be permitted.
Based on these considerations, it is recommended that 3 h duration emergency lighting should be installed.
Where the normal lighting may be dimmed or turned off, a maintained emergency lighting system should be installed. However, it is not necessary for the full emergency lighting level to be provided when the normal lighting system is functioning.
NOTE 1 Full details of lighting requirements for places of entertainment are given in Technical standards for places of
entertainment **.
Provided cinema and theatre seating is fixed to the floor, the seating rows will direct people to the aisles, so these do not need to be treated as open areas.
NOTE 2 This includes seating fixed to the floor which is removable with the aid of a tool, for example to provide access for wheelchair users.
For the areas of cinema and theatre auditoria with seating which is fixed to the floor, the minimum illuminance of emergency lighting should be 0.1 lx on a plane 1 m above the floor. All other emergency lighting parameters should be as required for open areas. However, the gangways should be treated as escape routes. (See 5.3.)
* Obtainable from ABTT, 55 Farringdon Road, London EC1M 3JB or LDSA Publications, PO Box 266, Bromley, Kent BR2 9ZN."