Not questioning your expertise Kurnal but is the dwelling not a place of work for the carer during the time he/she is in the premises? The carer does not use the premises as a dwelling.
Yes the dwelling is a place of work and therefore under the HASAW Act the employer is required to risk assess the situation but not necessarily the premises. i.e. the safe person concept. Just as the FRS do not risk asssess every building before it has a fire, safe person concept backed up by dynamic risk assessment.
The place of work in this case is in a domestic premises so the Fire Safety Order does not apply. This subject was clearly explained in FPA circular 28 which gave guidance on the WP Regs. Unfortunately similar detailed guidance has not yet been published but the situation is exactly the same.
If domestic premises were covered by the order the milkman, postman, midwife, gas fitter, chimney sweep, . etc. etc. would have to carry out a risk assessment of most of the planet!!!!
TCH TCH questioning Kurnal indeed!