Author Topic: Adaptors in place of multi gang extension leads  (Read 6072 times)

Offline Paul2886

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Adaptors in place of multi gang extension leads
« on: March 11, 2008, 05:41:00 PM »
Any views please on the use of adaptors in place of the multi gang extension leads for low amperage items in care homes such as table lamps etc.

Offline The Colonel

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Adaptors in place of multi gang extension leads
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2008, 06:37:21 PM »
Not keen on adaptors as they can be overlaoded and thier history, would much prefer additional sockets.

However if they are used they should be of the fused type and PAT tested

Offline Redone

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Adaptors in place of multi gang extension leads
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2008, 07:06:00 PM »
Likely to see more of these things in use, as folks don't want to pay for Part P and all it entails.
In theory, they save you tripping over the extension lead, however if the adapter is fused for thirteen amps... so if a small appliance was being run from one of the socket outlets and developed a fault, the fuse might not cut the power supply.

Offline John Webb

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Adaptors in place of multi gang extension leads
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2008, 09:33:21 PM »
A single plug feeding a short length of lead terminated in a multiple socket of some sort is preferable to any form of multi-outlet adaptor going into the wall socket, in my opinion.
(1) The plug should be fused - not all adaptors are - and therefore the socket won't be electrically overloaded;
(2) neither will the wall socket be mechanically overloaded by the plugs and cables weighing down the adaptor.

I have seen some horrendous examples of overloaded adaptors which had resulted in various fires over the years and I will always recommend to people that such objects are better thrown away.
John Webb
Consultant on Fire Safety, Diocese of St Albans
(Views expressed are my own)

Offline slubberdegullion

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Adaptors in place of multi gang extension leads
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2008, 09:45:56 PM »
Your original question, Paul, was about using these multigang extensions for low amperage items.  Things have changed in the last couple of decades as regards electrical usage.  

Twenty years ago the typical household would typically use electrical sockets for TVs and HIfis, convector heaters, hair driers, the odd radio and that was about it (excluding kitchen appliances(which haven't changed much)).  Nowadays, we have many more relatively low power appliances such as phone chargers, cordless phones, laptops or desktop computers, modems, printers, TV set top boxes, games boxes, DVD players, etc, etc.  

Our requirement for heat producing appliances (i.e. those that consume a lot of power) has not altered over the years (the world is certainly not colder than it used to be).  The thing that has changed is our need for outlets for small appliances.

That is why, provided that the equipment is fit for purpose and not trailing all over the place, we must expect and have no problem with these multigang extensions which meet our needs in the modern world.


Offline kurnal

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Adaptors in place of multi gang extension leads
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2008, 10:22:29 PM »
Personally I  dont have a problem with a single block adaptor in a socket PROVIDING it is the fused type. All others should be thrown away.