I am currently carrying out a visual (including head and shoulders in ceilings) inspection of exisiting compartmentation in our own buildings for use with fire risk assessments. They are intended to indicate the extent of 1/2 hour fire resisitjng walls/ partitions that extend up to the underside of the roof deck.
For any areas which cannot be proven to be at least 1/2 hour fire resisting, I have denoted for further investigation, but there are so many queries - can anyone give their opinion on the following?
Firstly, single glazed fanlight frames from the 1970s incorporating modern fire resisting doors. I cannot find any evidence, which sugests that, for integrity, the glazing will resist fire for 1/2 hour, although I am aware that it may depend on the size of the glazing. I am aware that the glazing beading etc also needs to be formed to withstand fire for the same resistance as the glazing.
Secondly, would fibre boad panels, say, 10mm thick fitted each side of a timber frame provide 1/2 hour fire resistance.
Any positive comments would be appreciated.