These signs have been out for a number of years and are a con. How the hell does anyone find a Fire Exit sign (c/w running man and directional arrow) when their sight is impaired or they are blind? Forget the, "ah but they should have a sponsor with them" because if that were the case there would be no need to purchase these things in the first place. Never mind the fact that a sponsor will not be with someone 24/7.
Close your eyes in the middle of a room. Find the door, find a wall, find a "Tactile" sign with raised braille info and carry out the actions within e.g. arrow right. So off you trot, still blind to try and find the next sign. Do try not to walk into anyone/thing on your travels.
Unfortunately the sign you're after is 9' up on a wall, the opposite one to the one you are checking so you can't find you cross the corridor, retrace your steps and start again.....and again... etc etc....
This ridiculous scenario could go on forever. Just like all the reasonable reasons for not installing these things. The only benifit is for the business with these on the wall as they show how concerned and in touch they are. And how they don't mind throwing money away. Believe me if you are selling something to a company with these on the walls you know what a soft touch they are - oh xxxx no pun intended there. Honest.