Hi there,
I completed the cage crawl in my recruitment for tyne and wear brigade in June. A friend who is in brigade gave me a useful tip which helped me along, it sounds quites basic and obvious but it really did help me.
You actually go through the cage first time with full visibilty then at the other end vision is taken away and you are asked to return to the start. On my way back through cage i went through with an arm extended where possible, this enables you to discover a dead end or wrong turn at least an arms length in time better than you would if you were to just rush through head first. Due to this being a timed event every second counts!!! I know this is quite basic advice but it is something that will help get you through. Remember that alot of the cage is designed so that you must crawl through therefore your entry and exit points could be diaganol, up a height or down at the botto of the cage.
Hope that helps and good luck!