Author Topic: Student Accom  (Read 23481 times)

Offline kurnal

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Re: Student Accom
« Reply #30 on: January 13, 2009, 07:46:24 PM »
Thanks for your patience JPAH, we do often go round in circles in these chat rooms and only the person  who has seen the place can really decide what is the right standard. Everywhere is different - if it wasn't there would be no need for Responsible Persons and risk assessments. You can be satisfied that the premises appear to exceed benchmark levels of fire safety provision for the reasons given in your summary.

Colin- what did the Late Lord Denning say about  standards in student housing - I have googled but cant find anything? I suppose it was in connection with a particular specific case? Or was it one that created a precedent in Case Law

Offline colin todd

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Re: Student Accom
« Reply #31 on: January 13, 2009, 10:49:55 PM »
Goodness me, Kurnal, didnt they teach you ANYTHING at Moreton. What am I talking about, of course they didnt, other than how to appear macho in front of your friends and recite codes backwards.  While you were drinking cheap wine down the graveyard as a youth, I, myself, was enjoying the benefits of the Scottish education system. My dearly departed dad, who I wish i had listened to a lot more as a youngster used to tell me knowledge is a lot more enjoyable when you find out yourself. He also used to say that you are never too old to learn (though he had probably never had a discussion with you on fire safety). So I am going to give you a clue, so you can find out what Lord Denning said, thus enabling you to find out for yourself and rejoice in the research. Here is your starter. It was in Hull. Come back if you are still stuck. No answering for him now, chaps.
Colin Todd, C S Todd & Associates

Offline kurnal

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Re: Student Accom
« Reply #32 on: January 14, 2009, 08:41:52 AM »
Burned the midnight oil with google. Have learned a lot about Emus and found some new friends amongst the Lesbian fellowship of East Yorkshire. Never did make much progress hunting down Lord Denning quotations after that. Clue No 2 please.

Offline colin todd

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Re: Student Accom
« Reply #33 on: January 14, 2009, 01:51:26 PM »
Kurnal. Our time has not been wasted. Now that you are a member of the lesbian fellowship, I am sure we can expect to see the UK's first lesbian chief officer within a matter of months. Just give them the basics of your fascinating recollections of how there was once a fire you attended in 1908 and the people were hanging from the windows waiting for your heroic actions - you know, all the usual tosh that officers spout after a few jars at Moreton. No need for them to know much about fire-fighting and such irrelevancies, but please do make sure their equality and diversity CPD is up to date.

In between their tuition sessions, seek out information about a case involving University of Hull.
Colin Todd, C S Todd & Associates

Midland Retty

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Re: Student Accom
« Reply #34 on: January 14, 2009, 03:37:43 PM »
Now now Colin. We'll have less of that talk here.

You're a grouchy lad in the afternoon aren't you?, and a right old cynic I might add. Mind you, you do fit the profile of a typical BMW driver. I think you must be missing Princess

Now enough of these cryptic clues and smoke sceens you rascal.

Could you please please pretty please point in the direction of Lord Dennings comments, as I'm dying to read them... and just like that kind fellow Prof Kurnal (who is always very quick to help others when they're hunting for guidance and links on firenet) I can't find it on the t'internet despite several google and searches.

Afterall we are best chums Col... go on just jot it down here - no one else will see...promise!

Offline nearlythere

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Re: Student Accom
« Reply #35 on: January 16, 2009, 10:04:02 AM »
What is the latest with the University of Hull competition? It has gone very quiet. Has it been resolved yet or is Miss Marple needed?
We're not Brazil we're Northern Ireland.

Offline kurnal

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Re: Student Accom
« Reply #36 on: January 16, 2009, 10:58:48 AM »
Colin may recommend the services of Miss Marple- Im more of a Cagney and Lacey man myself.

The trail has run cold, I've drawn a blank, it was a good game while it lasted but I think Colin has got fed up of banging his head against the wall and has gone for a lie down. We've still got the ball though.

Can anyone else help?

Offline CivvyFSO

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Re: Student Accom
« Reply #37 on: January 16, 2009, 11:09:23 AM »
I have tried very hard to find it, I feel I would need the resources of some legal library as all web searches draw a bit of a blank. I can find various references to Lord Denning and the University of Hull, but none that seem relevant.

Midland Retty

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Re: Student Accom
« Reply #38 on: January 16, 2009, 01:07:36 PM »

Come on Lord Todd throw us a bone...!!!!!

Offline colin todd

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Re: Student Accom
« Reply #39 on: January 16, 2009, 11:44:25 PM »
Holy Ghost and All Omnipotent Retty,  The case occurred as I recall in the 1970s. It ended as Kingston upon Hull DC v University of Hull around 1979. Recollection is hazy because it is so long ago Kurnal was about to retire at the time,  but I think the University had bought a row of 2 storey houses and the DC wanted a load of fire precautions, some of which were deemed by the court to be unnecessary. One reason was as I recall said to be that the Court would not accept that in the event of a fire in a shared student house the kiddies would not look after each other, so the risk was more akin to a single family dwelling. This was THEIR gut feel, but was substantiated by masses of statistical research subsequently, rather than wild assertions based on indigestion , prejudice, and lots of "I once saw a fire" or " I once knew someone whose cousin was a student". Cant remember whether Lord D was directly involved or whether he made reference to the case in a subsequent decision. The case led to a LGA bulletin saying.... GUESS WHAT...... that enforcing authorities need to consider the personal circumstances of the occupants when determining requirements in respect of means of escape. DUH there's a novel concept. All this must make Kurnal want to get his winklepickers and flared trousers out of the attic, while we all rediscover time and time again things that those of us who pursued a career in fire safety on a continuous basis, rather than an idle diversion on the way to becoming a Chief Fire Officer, learned as kids.
Colin Todd, C S Todd & Associates

Offline kurnal

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Re: Student Accom
« Reply #40 on: January 17, 2009, 09:33:41 AM »
Colin you are way off beam there.

Winklepickers were never ever  ever worn with flares. The thought of such a combination is alien to any concept of taste. They were worn with drainpipes.

You flappers of the 20s never came to terms with the fashions of the sixties and seventies. Only my grandmothers generation would make such a funamental mistake.

Offline colin todd

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Re: Student Accom
« Reply #41 on: January 18, 2009, 01:30:58 PM »
AH Kurnal, not for the first time you miss the subtleties of my epistles. Implicit in my suggestion was the fact that you span may eras of fashion. I was not aware the extent of the span incorporated the 20s, about which I know nothing, particularly the term flappers.
Colin Todd, C S Todd & Associates