Author Topic: Sites under construction, what standards?  (Read 11674 times)

Offline kurnal

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Re: Sites under construction, what standards?
« Reply #15 on: January 16, 2010, 11:53:23 AM »
I would agree with much of what you say Hammer1 but to me the proof is in the pudding.

It appears to me that people outside the building site are currently being placed at risk as a result of a fire on some sites due to the radiated heat flux and smoke.

I believe the problem is caused by the differences in the overlapping legislation. The CDM Regulations covering  fire safety focus ONLY and specifically on the people on site. Any consideration of the risk to people off site arises only as a result of Section 3 of the HASAWA 1974.

The Fire Safety Order very clearly covers All Relevant Persons. Where the HSE are the Enforcing body under the Fire Safety Order, article 47 does NOT apply so actually they have a double barrelled gun in their arsenal.

But in carrying out their enforcement duties unless  they broaden their focus under the CDM Regs to include consideration of Section 3 of HASAWA (and which specific CDM Regulation would they apply to deliver this?)  the Fire Safety Order is the only effective legislation to protect Persons outside the curtilege of the site.

All in my opinion of course, and stated in the interest of discussion and understanding , and not wanting to imply criticism of any particular agency or event. (Had a couple of emails from people who think I am pointing fingers at them. This is absolutely NOT the case I have been banging on about the CDM Regs and Fire Safety since the last ACOP was published in  2007)

Offline Fishy

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Re: Sites under construction, what standards?
« Reply #16 on: January 27, 2010, 11:09:43 AM »
One issue that has occurred that really concerns me is part-occupation of premises being constructed (or being refurbished).  Developers often like to have people move in whilst much of the rest of the building is still a building site.  If those timber-framed buildings that have become huge bonfires had been partly occupied at the time of the incident then we could have been looking at multiple fatalities, I should think.

Offline CivvyFSO

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Re: Sites under construction, what standards?
« Reply #17 on: January 27, 2010, 02:23:09 PM »
In that instance the RRO would be enforced by the Fire Authority, and the simple answer to whether the building could be partly occupied while in its unprotected timber form should be a resounding "no" via a prohibition/restriction notice.

Offline jokar

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Re: Sites under construction, what standards?
« Reply #18 on: January 27, 2010, 05:08:36 PM »
As Fishy has stated though it happens and the only way an Enforcer would know is if they went looking for it or were told.

Chris Houston

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Re: Sites under construction, what standards?
« Reply #19 on: January 28, 2010, 12:04:27 PM »
The "Joint Code of Practise on the Protection form Fire of Construction Sites and Buildings Undergoung Renovation" published by the Construction Confederation and the FPA is excellent for this sort of thing.

It is typically a requirement of any JCT contract and insurance companies and is easy to understand.

Offline rn976

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Re: Sites under construction, what standards?
« Reply #20 on: January 28, 2010, 04:05:40 PM »
Just published
may be of help as well

Construction Industry Publications Ltd
Document Number    CHSM Section 5
Title    Construction Health and Safety Manual - Section 5: Fire
Publication Date    Published Dec 2009
