Has anyone else noticed the number of persons taking (or passing) the IFE exams is dropping? A few years ago the pink paper that appears in the Journal with all successful candidates names and locations, national and international, was considerably larger than this years for example.
I know they keep harping on about increasing the member’s numbers, but I see little done to improve the situation, they still appear to be a club with in a club, and unless you are a white hat with wider band, you’ll never get into their “Corporate” level AIFireE or above, and be given voting rights.
As a GIFireE myself, I twice enquired how you became an “Associate” member, but I never really got a straight answer. You don’t take an exam for this level, but you do need support of three other “Corporate” level members. With only two bars on my collar, I can’t see many white hats agreeing to that.
Moan complete signing off.