dear guest, i dont want to get into a debate publicly about how things could have been better. i think we both know that they could have been, i think we also both realise that they could have been much worse aswell.
i have a strange idea of what the fbu is, it is an organisation of people. it needs the people within the organisation to make it work. all the people. the members of the fbu are the fbu, the fbu is not some far off promised land nor does it attempt to be. it is an organisation that is only as good as its members (and i agree officials) and if any members wanted a document such as the one produced then im sure if they had written such a document it would have been welcomed with open arms.
if members feel things could have been and can be different and that they can make a difference in a positive way ie for the better, then there is a process for them to stand as officials. i only wish more would do so! i would add that the previous retained section secretary HH has just resigned due to presuure of work, she supported the retained section and pushed their issues keeping them on the agenda all the time i believe as well as anyone could have done, and i wish her well. a sad loss to the retained committe and the fbu as a whole.
i expect you will reply with a reasoned well rounded argument in reponse, however i will not reply allowing you to have the last word, i would hope however that you also raise your concerns etc through the fbu structure so they can be adressed, maybe not to your satisfaction, but at least you will have the opportunity to raise them.
dave bev