Gentleman lend me your ears of wisdom

I am trying to (for my studies) work out an average time for being let back in an average building.
So lets say for arguments sake this building is 4 floors (ground +3) roughly 180 staff on site.
The FIRE ALARM GOES OFF, its connected to a monitoring station so the signal is sent immediately.
Am I right in thinking the quoted target time will be respond within 8 minutes?
So 8 mins down the line the boys in red are on site, they are informed marshalls have swept the site and all is ok.
What would be their next step and how long would that take?
I want to know on average from the fire alarm going off (on a false alarm) to staff being allowed back in.
I know this could be how long is a piece of string but if we take the idea that its 8 mins for the response how much do i add on for the building to be deemed safe?
So we could say
Small office + 10 mins?
Med office +15 mins?
Large site + 25 mins?
Please help me stabb a guess at this!