Hi All, I'm an ex operational sub officer, now in working in construction Health Safety and Coordination. I am currently working on an energy project on the Isle of Dogs in London. Part of the project requires work in a tunnel below the River Thames, the tunnel is hummid and warm (due to the heat from 132 kv cables) and the work involved will be arduous and sustained.
I recall a document about wrist cooling and have seen battery operated air wrist cooling devices in the Middle East - however coming from a health and safety perspective I need to risk assess the potential injury and illness and prevent the over-heating of operatives occuring.
I am presently looking at forced air ventilation and hydration along with personal fitness.
To assisst in the pre works documentation, would anyone be able to provide information on the temperatures and effects of working in raised temperature and humidity. Or direct me to any papers or publications.
Thanks in anticipation.