Before too much further misinformation is widely circulated, I will make these points and try to avoid making further comment, as the Sheriff Principal took great time and care to listen to evidence and write one of the best Inquiry reports I have read in my career. I suggest people take the time to read it before firing off a salvo of further comment.
Civvy. No it does not throw out my arguements about strips and seals, it strongly supports them. Indeed, it is the strongest support for my arguements on the subject I have ever come across. Own goal, there Civvy I am afraid.The Inquiry heard evidence of experts on the effect that NON FIRE RESISTING DOORS would have had if they had only been closed. I suggest you read the Inquiry report very carefully and then promote the messages emanating from it. The need for smoke seals should be based on a risk assessment that takes time to evacuate into account. This is particularly relevant in certain care homes.
Kurnal, You are talking about some FRS in England. When will you begin to understand that Scotland is a different country, that CFOA Scotland have not endorsed the CFOA policy in England, that things are very different in Scotland, there were NO FRS in Scotland, declining to attend AFAs, and please take the trouble to read issues on the summoning of the FRS. Try to be still until you have done so.
Civvy, You make the same mistake as Kurnal. At the time in question, NO Scottish FRS call challenged in the way you suggest, nor would any of them, in the case of a call to a care home at night, do so today. The 8 Scottish FRS are as joined up in their thinking on matters as you will find in the British fire service. As an aside, even after a fire as serious as this, the senior fire safety officer of a west country FRS in England sat before myself and a client, threatening enforcement action if , in small care homes of the client, with few staff on at night, they did not investigate tfire alarm signals. We told him to bring it on and we would see him at the mags Court. Strangely nothing happened. I will be emailing a copy of the FAI determination to their current much more forward thinking Senior fire safety officer, to remind him of the views of his predecessor.
As a Crown expert witness in the FAI, I think it inappropriate to discuss this determination in any more detail. Please take the trouble to read the determination and try to avoid commenting on half truths you may read second hand.