In a 2 storey building where ground floor is a small shop, with 2 flats on the first floor accessed by a communal staircase, building control have asked for a vertical automatic opening vent on a sash window, which will open upwards, therefore it will not vent any smoke anyway, if it was to be installed, it would vent more efficiently opening downwards.
In my opinion, this is cleary over the top, with no reason or requirement. If I am wrong, there are many thousands of buildings in non-compliance where they do not have these.
Realistically, this building would not need much more than a part 6 alarm, but to have this vent installed, obviously it will need a part 1 system.
A fire risk assessment of the building has not identified any requirement for such a vent.
So, the question is, who wins, FRA or Building Control ?