Try this link is an early draft of an audit policy that CFOA/Hampshire FRS and GMC FRS are trying, with the ODPM to agree.
The latest draft has undergone several revisions/simplifications in condjunction with Cath Reynold at the ODPM Stats (apologise if I've got that wrong), but if you can wait for a few months there should be an agreed version available.
Ideally the process should be IT based, (tablet PC or PDA) but budgets are tight, (except for anti terrorist work, zzzz), at the moment and it will work as a paper based process.
There is a huge amount of work behind the scences to prepare for the RRO. It is an opportunity to get our audit/inspection/education/advisory policies much better but as ever, fire safety in its broadest sense is never near the top of anyone's 'must do' list.