kurnal, everyone is entitled to a rant or opinion. You are right in what you say that if all regulators were consistent then you may not have a need for PA, but we all know from posts on this forum there are many different views on how to deal with an issue. Fire safety only joined the party last year, PA had been in place for many years prior to that for food hygiene, food labelling etc many brigades aren't up for it stating lack of resources. About 50% have a partner at present, 95% of partnerships generate between ?1000-?5000pa.
BRDO at a recent awards congratulated fire services for their positive approach to PA, they gave our attitude as an example for other regulators to follow. It may be because with only 46 brigades when issues arise we pick up a telephone and talk.
It offers consistency which leads to confidence, cost savings and support, and as William says they have found it to be a benefit.