Table 1 of 7273 pt 4 regarding radio door holders and the specific reasons when they should release says .....
g) in the case of radio-actuated systems:
1) a failure of radio communication between the transmission equipment and the release mechanism;
2) short or open circuit of any circuit between the transmission equipment and the fire alarm CIE, external to an enclosure
(within 120 s of occurrence)
A manufacturer of wireless equipment has recently supplied us their new wireless door holder ..... taking it out the box, unprogrammed and unpowered the door plate is attracted to the magnetic holder.
Meaning if this was screwed to a wall and door right now the door would be held open forever, no faults indicated and no one any the wiser unless the fire alarm were tested and someone noticed the door didn't shut.
When programmed on the fire system, the magnet releases as you'd expect under all the listed conditions for CAT A however, failure of the comms (g 1) does release the magnet but the design of the unit is such that the door could be opened following the comms failure and the door would be held open for ever.
Therefore a worst case scenario might be that a catastrophic failure of the transmitter controlling the wireless door holder following an alarm activation, would result in no comms (g 1 ) and the door could be pushed open by an escapee and would stay open forever.
Although the fault would register on the fire panel, am I missing something in the small print or is this non compliant and potentially dangerous even though it's being sold as suitable for CAT A installations???
Or is this acceptable