I sent a memo three years ago to my then Stn Commander, which highlighted the lack of fire safety management within my station.
There were about twenty points in the memo including: No AFD (not even M system)and virtually no fire separation between the appliance room the accomodation area. Many of the 20 items had been highlighted during a FRA inspection 2 years prior and had been ignored.
I had a very angry response from my line managers. They at first said that the WP regs didn't apply as "After all we're all Firefighters"(!).I pointed out they were wrong and suggested that might be news to the cleaners, cook and contractors.
They then accused me of trying to stir up trouble (who me??!). After several weeks, they said that all the points raised were being addressed in a programme of changes to be implimented over the next 10 years!
So to sum up, we (LFB) give punters 3 months to bring their house in order whilst we give ourselves the luxury of a decade.
The words 'Conflict' and 'Interest' spring to mind