Ah not quite - every FRA stopped any idea of charging and the one concerned stopped too. Hardly nothing, but no further court actions, true. So it did have a reaction, or is the change of policies nothing? no, Thorn did not have to sue the FA, whether they got any of the money back, I do not know but maybe this wqas out of court nad thuis why it remains quiet. The case demonstrated thatit was ILLEGAL for FAs to charge for AFA calls. Quite an important decision for those who were already charging.
Also the action made it to the Bain review -
5.21 In their evidence to us, ODPM have pointed out that the 1947 Act also allows fire authorities to use fire brigades for purposes other than dealing with fires, such as assisting at road accidents. But we note that there is no significant funding for this activity. Fire authorities have the power to charge for the use of brigade assets in certain circumstances such as road traffic accidents when fire is not involved. But they cannot currently charge for attendance at automatic fire alarms following the Court of Appeal decision Thorn v Sackville (1992).
And from LFEPA submission to Bain:
False alarms from automatic fire alarms
5.30 The fire service is responding to an increasing number of false alarms generated by automatic fire detection equipment. This is a drain on our resources, diverting time and effort away from other more important activities, such as community fire safety and education work.
5.31 Until the Court of Appeal decision in Thorn Security Ltd v Sackville (1992) many fire authorities levied a charge on companies having fire alarms with a direct line into Brigade mobilising centres, when false alarms resulted from faulty equipment. As a result of that case, such charges can no longer be levied. This has resulted in a denial of potential income to London's fire authority of a six figure sum annually. It has also removed a substantial financial incentive for fire alarm companies to install alarms correctly, keep them properly maintained and ensure that staff and properly trained in their correct use.
So nothing at all happened after the case...............................................
Right again fireftrm, wrong Ian Gough