Author Topic: sprinklers versus compartmentation  (Read 5334 times)

Offline novascot

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sprinklers versus compartmentation
« on: August 13, 2006, 02:16:23 PM »
Does anyone remember a study carried out by The Fire Research Institute re the above heading?

It went on to compare the merits of compartmentation by containing any fire to the room of origin.

It then suggested that if more buildings or certain purpose groups were to have sprinklers made manditory the numbers of firefighters required could be reduced.

I can't find any record of this report and the FRI is unfortunately no more. Was I dreaming this?

Please help.

Offline John Webb

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sprinklers versus compartmentation
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2006, 10:16:36 AM »
Dear novascot,
Did you mean the 'Fire Research Station' rather than 'Institute'? If so, I don't recall any work in this area unless it was done after I left in 1997. It seems a little unlikely 'cos FRS didn't usually do things that impinged directly on fire service policy - that was left to the then Home Office and their Fire Research and Development Group, which included the Experimental Unit at Moreton-in-Marsh.
You might want to try the BRE website - where FRS is now the 'Fire Division'. Or try the DCLG website - if that doesn't provide the answer you seek ring them up and speak with Cath Reynolds who used to work in FRDG and now heads the DCLG fire research group.
John Webb
Consultant on Fire Safety, Diocese of St Albans
(Views expressed are my own)

Offline novascot

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sprinklers versus compartmentation
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2006, 10:35:05 AM »
Thank you John for that information.

I think you are right, it was the Fire Research and Development Group. I remember the name Cath Reynolds but can't remember from where.

 Senility starting early.
Thanks again. Dennis

Offline wee brian

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sprinklers versus compartmentation
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2006, 06:54:29 AM »
Its more likely that Cath would have done this. She still works for DCLG in their in house Fire Research and Statistic Div (I think the name has changed recently).

If you search hard enough a lot of their stuff is on the DCLG website, if not give her a ring.