Author Topic: Fire Extingusher Training Help Wanted  (Read 8708 times)

Offline geofire17814

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Fire Extingusher Training Help Wanted
« on: March 14, 2006, 01:35:48 PM »
I work for a electrical testing company which has a fire division which im part of. We provide fire extingushers service alarms and emergency lighting. Weve have a lot of inquirys lately from companys wanting us to provide training courses for there staff on the use of FAFAs. Having served 4 years in the RAF fire service and 3 years working as a contact airfield firefighter, i have done a lot of this sort of training. My company has agreed to provide these companys with this training and have bought a gas training rig. But they want me to come up with a power point presentation to give to these companys and the first course is booked for the 30th of this month. I have a couple of lessons i used to use when i was in the RAF but these are out of date now. I would appreciate if someone could provide me with anything thak could help.

Many thanks Paul.

Also currently looking to get back into the fireservice Airport, DFS or local authority any know of anything going give me a shout.

Offline dixie222

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Fire Extingusher Training Help Wanted
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2006, 09:51:41 PM »
Alright mate! in the raf fire service myself, got a great new ccs powerpoint lesson with a video in the presentation. Its all up to date with the new en3 extinguishers.It may need a little work, however 95% is aimed at the civillian market. If you want it give me a text.

Online AnthonyB

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Fire Extingusher Training Help Wanted
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2006, 11:04:28 PM »
I've just finished one too which is a seperate one just on extinguishers reels and blankets, rather than being a small section in a general fire powerpoint .

geofire - PM me if you want a copy

dixie - Fancy a swap? It's always good to share material as everyone can learn from each other
Anthony Buck
Owner & Fire Safety Consultant at Fire Wizard

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Offline Rich

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Fire Extingusher Training Help Wanted
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2006, 03:37:14 PM »
Wouldn't an extinguisher 'instructor' not have to have been on an approved course.  I don't want to put a spanner in the works but if something were to go wrong after your input, who gave you the specialist knowledge?

Sorry to be negative but I wouldn't want you to be caught out.

Please correct me if am wrong!
I am sorry if I offend anybody although if gold medals were dished out for it I would have quite a few!!

Online AnthonyB

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Fire Extingusher Training Help Wanted
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2006, 05:17:31 PM »
The Fire Service College used to do a FEI course - I went on it and it was a hoot as everything that could go wrong did go wrong on the practical......... (served them right for having 30 year old bang on top extinguishers...).

But yes, to instruct you generally should have some training in order to be able to get your messge across properly - however attending a course is no guarantee - I've seen some god awful 'qualified' instructors and some wonderful lay people instruct - there is some natural talent to it
Anthony Buck
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Offline dixie222

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Fire Extingusher Training Help Wanted
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2006, 05:37:23 PM »
your right rich mate! most of our lads have completed the chubb fafa servicing course that is approved by FETA,so along with the right health and safety training (risk assessment), techer training certificate, and insurance to back you up your on a winner. I aknowledge it would be a diffrent situation in civvy street but in the RAF we certificate all the civilian staff annually and give training by the book.  Not all the lads can give fire safety training it is only the personnel with the relevent qualifications or seniority, so if anything does come back against us we are not totally hung out to dry.

Offline sithefire

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Fire Extingusher Training Help Wanted
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2007, 10:57:42 PM »
"Not all the lads can give fire safety training it is only the personnel with the relevent qualifications or seniority, so if anything does come back against us we are not totally hung out to dry". without wanting to sound stupid, what are the relevent qualifications,or what level of seniority do you have to be... i'm not taking the urine or anything, its just that where i work were expected to give the the lecture, carry out a drill on a gas rig and then award certificates to both military and civilian staff, 99.9% of us only have a basic firefighters course behind us, is this enough ??

Online AnthonyB

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Fire Extingusher Training Help Wanted
« Reply #7 on: February 19, 2007, 08:48:44 PM »
Training is not just about the knowledge in the subject, but if you can actually put it across properly, only some of which can be taught, some is talent - I've seen some useless, yet 'qualified' trainers.

If its paperwork you are asking about, for training you would need something in the subject (a basic firefighters course could well be enough, but then again if all you did on extinguishers was a quick run through the outdated MoF Book 3, then maybe not - only you know the depth you went into practically as well as theoretical) & something proving you have skills in training/communicating.

Its all about liability you see, but certainly the fire service college think you can become an extinguisher trainer in 2 days so it can't be that difficult!
Anthony Buck
Owner & Fire Safety Consultant at Fire Wizard

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