Thank you very much for your response it has helped my questioner, where to direct his research.
A footnote for those who mat be interested,
The BFSA was formed in 1949 by the amalgamation of the National Fire Brigade’s Association and the Professional Fire Brigade’s Association. The NFBA was formed in 1887 when it was known as the National Fire Brigade Union and was incorporated in 1912. The PFBA was formed in 1902.
1882 The Midlands Fire Brigades Association (MFBA) was raised.
1887 The National Fire Brigades Union (NFBU) was founded with the MFBA forming the Midlands District.
1889 The Widows’ Orphans’ and Benevolent Fund was introduced – the first National Charity for Firefighters.
1902 Saw the founding of the Professional Fire Brigades Association (PFBA), membership drawn mainly from the then city, town and village fire brigades.
1912 The NFBU was incorporated as a Registered Company No 121413. The same number applies today.
1918 Following the end of WW1 and the founding of the Fire Brigade Union, the NFBU re-titled to become the National Fire brigades Association (NFBA).
1949 The NFBA and PFBA amalgamated to form the British Fire Services Association.