Most FRS are following CFOA guidance, IRMP Guidance Note 4 and the National Framework document and they talk about fire safety audits not fire safety inspections.
Those of you carrying out the audits will hopefully recognise that there is a big difference between an audit and an inspection.
What many FRS are failing to do, in my opinion, is to effectively inspect premises from time to time.
If the Order is going to maintain and improve on existing fire safety standards once in a while the enforcers should forget audits and just go out in their patches and inspect.
Don't give weeks of notice because if you do you will never see premises as they really operate.
FRS only have one duty imposed under the Order, and that is to enforce the Order...if they do not inspect premises they are failing in that duty.
Yes I know CFOA and most senior fire safety officers will not agree with me...but unless FRS fulfill their statutory duty to enforce the Order, further lives will be lost and enforcement will be transferred to other agencies.