To my knowledge - NONE!
And for good reason. The use of derelict/disused property for training runs totally contrary to all the work that has been done over the years in obtaining quality training facilities for firefighters. These provide controlled environments where exercises can be repeated providing the exact same conditions for the various groups requiring training, altered to meet the changing needs of modern fire services and able to provide data-logging in the more advanced units so that exercises and training can be audited.
Can you imagine the liability circus that would arrive on any CFO's doorstep if someone was injured as a result of training in any derelict/disused premises? The local authority, the brigade, the owwner of the property, their agents, first and second cousins and their first-born - all held liable in some way. Insurance companies wouldn't touch it with the mucky end of a very long stick!
That all presupposes any risk assessment would not place prohibitive restrictions on activities and call for control measures that would render any such training virtually worthless.
Sorry Chris. Back to the drawing board for that one.