Hiya Namesake
As far as a corporate Policy is concerned I usually start from scratch because each organisation is different. The key elements are 1- statement of intent 2- organisational details- who is responsible for what, to whom they report and how often, how the organisation communicates with all stakeholders. 3- arrangements- the practical details of how the policy is implemented- format for reports, reporting hazards, testing, training, maintenance, records. I used the guidance on the HSE website for general H&S policies because that contains th e key elements.
Secondly there is practical info in BS5588 part 1- the final chapter - on management of housing issues.
Finally many of the universities have copies of their policies for fire and student accommodation on the web and these can be found with a google search. Some are very wordy but all the essentials are there. Try London, edinburgh, leeds.
Email me if you need any more specific help.