Visited a new client last week - local solicitors office. They have an old Thorn 1700 system with ionisation and heat detectors. No particular problems with the system- its stable and no history of any faults or unwanted signals, has always been maintained by the same company quarterly in accordance with 5839- 1988.
Maintainer is recommending replacement of system as "spares for panel are no longer available and detectors outside their normal 5 year life" . I dont know how old the detectors are and I know most manufacturers recommend a 10 year life but 5 years is a new one on me. The system was installed in 1989. My usual advice to clients is if it aint broke dont fix it.
Any comments would be welcome.
It depends really of the kind of repair required, if i.e. loop card replacement and the stock has run out then that would be a good reason to advice customer for system replacement, that's what happened to us with ZETFAS analogue addressable system of ZETLER Company, we are now in a situation where the loop computers have totally failed and ZETLER Company don't make them any more, ZETLER has been bought by ADT a long time ago...
I like old stuff only when the customer agree for replacement to allow us to make money by doing the right job, I personally hate to get involved in repairing old stuff with old wiring...because what ever you do, you still guilty of any outcomes, moreover I hate to be called out the next day... due to system failure again…
If the customer does not afford the cost for system replacement try to convince them to do so stage by stage and getting the payment by instalment, we used to do the fitting floor by floor, it is the first step that count, your customer will be caught up once you start the fitting, and from then he would take it in consideration and reserve a budget to complete it sooner or later…