Leaving the legal side alone.
For what its worth is my opinion.
Having personally seen the vast majority of a stations retained staff drive like lunatics,a driving course should be standard.EFAD serves its purpose with supervision(on appliances)
Unfortunately some numpty tearing through a village, past a school / shops etc like a demon is crazy. I'm sure most operation staff have witnessed a car skidding past the watchroom window for a semi-clad ret FF to leap out and shout "what have we got" Then to watch them proceed to a wheelie bin on fire. Well worth them doing 70 through a 30 zone. After once having to deal with a rather irrate Traffic Officer, who wanted to "Have a word" with a budding Lewis Hamilton the issue was pasted to higher management..The response....lets hide our heads in the sand. Obviously the cost implications are high but some form of advanced vehicle driver training is a must.
I personally believe if the above staff (who strut around in their uniform 2 days after drill night )could remove the numerous "Firefighter on Call" window stickers(One has 3 plus a grill badge) they may be able to see that they are more of a risk /hazard than the shout they are responding/wheel-spinning/swerving/speeding/driving to. To give staff blue lights etc would I fear, them being abused thus reducing the effect.