Hi Graeme ,
Long story not my job , helping someone got 6 bell circuits lumped together and another circuit as true radial .
Sorted out the mess of 6 and checked the loads which makes us 3 proper monitored radials .
So as they say in Wales 'Thats Lovely' we have now got 4 proper monitored radials , now here's the crux , one circuit has a 2k2 and cant be found . We have rung this circuit had all the bells domes off and the building is silent , still reading 2k2 eol and we reckon the eol either in a joint box , had a look around see if anythings shutting down off the bell cct ie door mags or there's another bell with the dome off and we cant hear it by default . Reversed the circuit just in case we had a reverse polarity (the old panel didn't see reverse polarity. So you see the dilemma , just 1 radial out of 6 that is giving aggro.
No as fitted , whats new .