The Fire Safety Coordinator role will be defined fully in the management guidance yet to be formally released for consultation. The document has been put on hold pending details of the Regulatory Reform Order.
As the draft stands, the FSC is a combination of the Nominated Officer Fire (NOF) and the Fire Safety Advisor (FSA). The intention is that the FSC will coordinate all matters of fire safety within an organisation. In some trusts the FSC will posess fire safety competence and will provide for the fire safety advice needs of the trust. In others, the FSC will provide a coordination role, and will call upon advice from others as necessary.
At the time the draft guidance was written, the FSC role was seen as a role that some current fire safety advisors could undertake, whilst in other cases it was seen that fire safety advisors may delevop into the FSC position.
The FSC role is neither NOF nor FSA but requires a mix of skills currently vested in both positions. The FSC, unlike the NOF is intended to be a dedicated fire safety position in most organisations.
As the guidance progresses more details of the FSC role and examples of how we see the role fitting in a trust structure will be disseminated beyond the group involved in getting the guidance thus far.