I first came accross the tubular reversed S type stands whilst servicing kit a couple of years ago. I found they had been installed with a 2Kg Co2 and a 9Lt Water on each one. The problem was/is the stands are not strong enough to safely support the weight. A second problem was the ext brackets are held on with one loose nut and bolt, not two, so the ext's swung when brushed up against. Overwieghted this was a dangerous prospect. A further issue was the water ext was fitted on the non supported part of the reversed S causing obvious problems on all the stands.
These were situated along a large open corridor and within all the offices in the complex. A potentially huge issue and one I obviously brought to the attention of the Facilities Management Co we worked for and their employer - another FM.
My report was issued for two years to the FM to no avail. The firm I then worked for lost the contract, deservedly so from what I hear (but thats another story), as I had left the company before then so it wasn't an issue for me. So I don't know if the stands are still in situ but I assume they are.
As for the extinguishers, a couple of problems regarding Extended Service were highlighted and finally ironed out all this on a site where a RA for exts was sorely needed where expectations for fire safety where paramount.
The site was probably the most facinating and interesting place regarding H&S that I have had the pleasure of working at.
Anyone else had problems with these stands?
[Note, client name deleted by Forum Admin]