Hi Tom
Stay with me on this if you will...
As Davo stated, if I directly employ a cleaner to service the common areas of my property, I become an employer. The cleaner's workplace is the communal area, and I would thus be classed as an RP without any argument. That is very much black and white when it comes to the order in that respect and certainly not tenuous.
If i didnt employ anyone as per Kurnal's scenario then Article 3(b)(i) or 3(b)(ii) would need to be applied . These are the parts of the order which effectively deals with level of responsibility.
Take Art 3(b)(i) for instance, you could argue that the landlord is running a business trade or undertaking from the premises, because he is renting out parts of those premises and getting money in return for it. OK i admit that is a bit tenuous, but...
Eitherway you would need to establish what the tenant/ occupier is or isn't responsible for. If the lease says the tenant is responsible for maintaining the communal areas then fair enough, I would accept that tennant was the RP for the communal areas.
In reality however you are more than likely to be looking at Article 3(b)(ii) which says the owner (landlord) is responsible.
It mentioned it would be rare for a tenant to be made RP for communal areas. Here's why:-
I am a landlord of multi occ with ten occupiers.
You are one of those occupiers. Im a little cute and try to get you to sign up to a lease which makes you responsible for the communal areas.
The terms would make you responsible for everything - from redecorating to renewing carpets, the electrics, making any necessary repairs, servicing and maintaining the fire precautions. It makes you responsible for any damage or wear and tear caused by other occupiers.
Why should you foot the bill for the damage or wear and tear caused by other tenants? - I think you would more than likely tell me to shove my tenancy agreement.
In most multi occs I come across the tenants are responsible for the areas they lease, but the communal areas are looked after by the landlord. I suspect those situations exist because having a tenant responsible for the communal areas would be frought with complications and hassle.