I am just interested in people's opinion on this. From my limited understanding and from talking to people in fire investigation it would appear to me that of all the crime scenes that could be investigated, fire scenes have been the most "neglected" up until recent years i.e they haven't necessarily been classed as crime scenes when maybe they should have until something suggested otherwise. My questions are, has this been the case and if so why because if there is a murder, burglary, RTC etc, you know it will be investigated properly so why not fire scenes?
Could this be due to the number of "bodies" involved i.e Fire service, police, insurance, forensics, pathology (if a dead body is found) etc where the different "bodies" point fingers in everybody elses' direction as to who is responsible for investigating it? Is it lack of understanding of fires or because of the compexity of fires and the investigations that need to be carried out?
I hope this makes sense!!!