"I must assume staffing levels and management will be what is required."
This seemingly innocuous statement causes me some concern.
1. There are no required staffing levels for evacuation...only recomendations for TLC.
2. Management of these premises does not always have a very good record. Finance driven use of agency staff, (some of whom are undoubtably very caring), gives me concern that their familiarity with the premises can be questioned.
3. The movement towards residential/nursing homes offering a range of care packages has spread the level of occupant dependance through a wider section of the care community than previously.
4. The anticipated evacuation times , if necessary, are a joke. Don Christain, in his recent publication through BSI, suggested that full evacuation of a compartment would need to take place within 50seconds. (Excluding pre-movement times). If he is right, and I believe he is, few care homes have proceedures and staffing levels to achieve this.
Finally, where is the report on the Rose Park fire? Why is it taking so long to be published? I may be a conspiracy nut, but it is taking an awlfully long time!