Some years ago I worked with a number of people suffering from various levels of learning disabilitiesand mental health illness,living in the community.There was no 'live in staff',and they lived in two storey accommodation(houses/flats) which all had been provided with enclosed FR staircases and an L2 system.I have also lived a few doors away for the last 20 years to a small house that has sleep in staff-the lads(adults) living their are dependent on 24 hour staffing,and do little for them selves,some are unable to communicate clearly or are withdrawn.Their house also has a protected stairway and an L2 system.I would be reluctant to accept an open staircase in these types of premises,simply because of the unpredictable nature, variation of levels of learning disability, and other circumstances such as refusal to take medication etc where they may well refuse to,or delay evacuation,putting staff at risk as well as themselves.