Fire fly,
I've had epilepsy for a few years now so I've been through the mill with the doctors, employers etc. My advise would be to get your oppo to get a specific test for epilepsy. Don't leave it until he wakes up dead or takes others along with him.
I lost my job in the RN through it so job loss is a real possibility. I don't know what the Brigades' policy is, Midlands right, suitable alternative employment has to be explored, but the DVLA will take his licence until he has had a clear number of years if it is diagnosed as epilepsy - check the DVLA Medical Dept. for current info, so driving to work will be out, never mind scating around in a bloody big fire engine.
It isn't the end of the world, it's controllable, some mild forms are treatable but life does goes on. Get medically checked ASAP.
EM me if you think I can offer any advice.