I am currently working with a residential home that has a fire alarm system dating back to the '80s. The servicing company have stated in their most recent report that the detector heads should be changed every 10 years to comply with the British Standard.
I know that many manufacturers put a 10-year life on their detectors, and that replacement of older heads would be wise, but a full replacement of the many heads in this instance would place a heavy financial burden on the occupier. The inspection report did not identify any failures and the detectors themselves were found to be ok. I have searched the BS's and EN's but can't find a reference to 10 year replacement requirements (nor do a feel that such a requirement should exist because replacement should be subject to need, not fixed time spans).
My own recommendation will be that detectors should be replaced over a phased period of years, or as and when they start to fail. Can anyone let me know if I am missing the mark with the standards?