Samuel, I was not aware that the notice that you need to install on the back of all flat entrance doors in a high rise block telling people to call the fire brigade in the event of fire and to assemble in the pouring rain, probably breaking your leg as to run down the 14 storeys cos the fire brigade demanded that the lift grounded as well when the communal fire alarm system operates, was a legal document. I think you might have missed the point somehow.
And as long as you get such incredible stupidity amongst fire brigades as to turn out 14 storeys of purpose built flats when the smoke detectors in the common parts operate, I will continue to plug away at knocking it. Learn to live with it, as they are unlikely to stop doing such stupid things in my lifetime. (By the way, the best fire brigade in the whole of London is still a fire brigade and if its good enough for such an elite band of geezers, I am sure it would be fine for everyone.)